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Bruce A. Ralston

Bruce A. Ralston

Bruce Ralston is a long-time Memphian who is dedicated to supporting the community in any number of ways. Over the decades he has participated in many nonprofit community groups, he regularly volunteers at the various free legal clinics, he has received a number of awards and commendations for his pro bono service, and he has been a member of the Tennessee Bar Association’s Access to Justice Committee since 2013. Prior to and during law school he spent several years as a bartender and restaurant manager, and he never lost his connection with those working people and small business owners. As the youngest of three brothers, his heart has always been with the little guy.

Since graduating law school and passing the bar in 1993 Bruce has mostly been a solo practitioner, primarily handling bankruptcy matters for individuals and small businesses, but he always kept a hand in the larger consumer protection world. Through his long-time memberships in both NACA (the National Association of Consumer Advocates) and NACBA (the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys) he has developed friendships and working relationships with top consumer lawyers all over the country.

2670 Union Ave. Extended, #1228
Memphis, TN 38112

Phone: 901-543-5045

Text: 901-235-DEBT
Fax: 901-432-5212
E-mail: Bruce@RBConsumerLaw.com
Note: I can only answer questions for people in Memphis or West Tennessee, unless it has to do with federal student loans, in which case I can help anyone in the USA.

Call Anytime!
Free Initial Consultation. Free Parking at the Door.

L. Dan Buchanan, Esq.

Unfortunately, Dan Buchanan has left the firm to become Shelby County’s economic crimes prosecutor. He will continue to serve the public well, only now in a different capacity.


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  2. You understand and agree to those statements and conditions; and
  3. You agree that nothing contained in the web site creates the relationship of attorney and client between you and our law firm.
Statements and Conditions
  • The information contained in this web site is general in nature. Even though one or more of the circumstances discussed in this website may seem substantially similar to your own situation, there may be other factors or considerations which would alter the result in your case. Also, many statements and answers to FAQ’s are framed with reference to the most common fact patterns and scenarios. There may be other, less common, answers to certain questions which, for the sake of clarity and brevity, have been omitted in this web site.
  • We do not guarantee any particular result in any one case.
  • All statements regarding bankruptcy law and procedure refer to local practice in the Western District of Tennessee, which courts are located in Memphis and Jackson, Tennessee.

Financial Trouble? We Can Help!